Started September 13, 2016
Taking good care of your battery will ensure the best performance and delivery of power to your car, motorcycle, truck or other application. A few simple checks every three months or so can also help increase your battery’s life-span. Always think safety first; wear protective eye-wear and gloves when working near batteries.
- Check your battery’s state of charge using the ‘Eye’ or ‘State of Charge’ indicator on the top of the battery. “Green” indicates a healthy battery, “Black” or “Clear” indicates your battery may need charging or servicing. A simple voltmeter or multi-meter can also be used to check your battery’s resting voltage. A reading of 12.6 to 12.9 volts indicates battery is charged.
- Check that cable connections are clean, tight and free of corrosion. Remove any dirt or grime from the battery. Spray battery terminals with WD40 or battery protection spray to further prevent corrosion.
- Check battery for any physical damage or swelling that could be the cause of overheating or overcharging.
- If the battery has removable caps, check the water level at least every 6 months. Replenish with distilled water and don’t overfill as acid needs room for expansion during charging.
- Discharged or flat batteries should be recharged as soon as possible to prevent sulphation damage. Ensure your battery is fully recharged as partial charge will not prevent sulphation.
- Always ensure batteries are fully charged before placing in storage. Ensure charge does not fall below 12.3 volts during storage period.
- Make sure your battery cables are adequately sized to ensure sufficient current flow to and from the battery (aftermarket & auxiliary systems).